Only two of the original four Avengers are still brave, and the writers of the film have unveiled why.
At the end of Endgame, our superhero team is in a relatively bad situation: Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff have sacrificed themselves, Steve Rogers has returned to Peggy Carter in the past, and there is not much to add on Hulk and Bruce Banner … The only ones to still have a destiny in the MCU are Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner) and Thor (Chris Hemsworth)! The first will have a Disney + series to his name, Hawkeye, (with or without the actor?) And the second the fourth installment to his personal franchise. According to Christopher Markus, one of the co-writers of the film, it’s because the story of these two is not over: “It’s not necessarily that we knew they would have more of things to tell, it’s just that … Thor sacrificed and sacrificed again, and lost and lost again. This is not a good ending if we kill him. ”

“To finally have him, reasonably satisfied with himself – and with its current weight, by the way …” continues the scriptwriter, is “more satisfactory”, concludes the reporter of Vanity Fair, before Christopher Markus does not add “There are people who say, ‘No, he must lose weight by magic.’ [Laughs] It was one of those sobering moments on the set, where some people were scared to the idea that he puts on his fat suit, then he’s out and everybody realizes he looks like anyone on the team, it’s not a fat suit! normal person, but Thor has solved that, it’s a joy to let him go without a destination into the hands of the universe, and Clint is reunited with his family, that’s a lot. do all this. This is why the two vigilantes have not said their last word: both have not reached the end of their narrative arc. And that’s good because Taika Waititi has been talking about the possibility of Thor’s return in Thor 4!
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