If each magical creature is linked to this tree, igniting and destroying it would destroy any magical life, as killing a White Walker kills all the ghosts he has created. But the enemies are not the only magical beings since we can also include the Daenerys dragons, Bran as the Three-Eyed Crow and even Beric and Jon who were resurrected through magic. Their death, along with that of the Night King, would represent the bittersweet end promised by George R.R. Martin and would remain in the spirit of the series, in which each victory has a price.
The next episodes of the Game of Thrones season 8 could thus put us on the path of this famous tree, origin of the magic of Westeros, that should be burned to win the war. A theory a little push but possible when you know the complex universe of Game of Thrones, and that would finally provide an answer to the spirals regularly seen in the series. After all, we can imagine that magic is rooted in something, and if it is a special tree-heart, its destruction could eradicate forever any magic phenomenon and the beings that are linked to it. See you in a few days on OCS to know if this could come to fruition.
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