Hi, I’m under 10 and I’m one of the most powerful people ever in the Marvel universe! Basic, the kid leaves with a solid genetic inheritance, since Fraklin is the son of two of Fantastic 4, Susan and Reed. But he quadrupled power when Annihilus took him into the Negative Zone, and tampered with his powers with a cosmic energy transmutator. After that, he gets stronger every day that God does. Overall, he is able to exterminate all living creatures of the solar system just by yawning. Well, we exaggerate, but only a little. Because at such a young age, he has the opportunity to transform reality consciously or unconsciously. Clearly, the choupinou has the same powers as Thanos, but without the need for the Stone. In the logic of things, they could land in the MCU at the same time as the Fantastic 4, now that Disney bought the rights!
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