Ever dreamed of being a wizard in the Harry Potter universe? So get ready because the Harry Potter Wizards Unite mobile game is coming to us soon!

SOURCE: Harry Potter: Wizards Unite
The worldwide launch of Harry Potter: Wizards Unite begins this Friday, June 21! Keep your eyes peeled and wand ready for more information as the game goes live in your region soon. #WizardsUnite pic.twitter.com/ckk4s4mi8a
— Harry Potter: Wizards Unite (@HPWizardsUnite) June 19, 2019

We had tested the beta of the game, and now it will be released on iOS and Android: Harry Potter Wizards Unite finally arrive officially on June 21 in the US and the United Kingdom, 2 years after its official announcement! The Twitter account of the game has put online a trailer that night that unveiled through a film sequence very faithful to the movies, a little gameplay of the game and the lively atmosphere. Developed by Warner Bros, Portkey Games, and Niantic, the creators of Pokémon GO, this augmented reality game will take you on magical adventures in the wizarding world with the lightning scar. Between magic creatures, fights against Death Eaters and discovery of magical places, the world of Harry Potter finally opens to Muggles!
SOURCE :Harry Potter: Wizards Unite
Despite some notable differences with Pokémon GO, Harry Potter Wizards Unite will be based on similar gameplay: we will be able to “catch” magical creatures or throw enchantments to get rid of them. According to the trailer, we will be able to use the well-known spells of the saga, such as Expecto Patronum to make the Dementors flee or Stupéfix to attack the Death Eaters. We also run the risk of meeting the heroes of the saga of J.K. Rowling since we can see Harry Potter in the trailer. Not to mention that the bestiary may be very rich: ni fleurs, ogres, demi guises and surely many others! In addition to that, as for Pokémon GO, you can switch between augmented reality and the graphics of the game, just to vary the pleasures!
Harry Potter Wizards Unite, when will the release ?
SOURCE: Go Shiny Hunter
To cast spells, this is very similar to what was done a few years ago in Harry Potter games on the Nintendo DS: we will draw a diagram on the smartphone and the more the drawing is like, the more the spell will be powerful. The gameplay is based on the gesture of the wand that we have already seen in the movies, remember the famous “Wingardium Leviosaaaaa” by Hermione.

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