Black Widow: This theory about Natasha Romanoff in Avengers Endgame could change the plot of the film

Black Widow: This theory about Natasha Romanoff in Avengers Endgame could change the plot of the film

Black Widow: This theory about Natasha Romanoff in Avengers Endgame could change the plot of the film
Suspicious Second Clue: The Avengers held a funeral in great pomp for Tony Stark, but not for Natasha. Even if she did not want the attention to be put on her, it seems unlikely that no tribute will be made to her. And if you know if Black Widow’s plot is after or before Captain America: Civil War is a puzzle, a Reddit member imagines it downright after Avengers Endgame: “When Steve brought back the Stone of the Soul, Natasha came back and followed her example of time travel, she wanted to manage something in her past, as you know, Red Skull said her father’s name, so she wants to find her father again. Pym particles and enough fuel for at least one extra trip so it’s possible that instead of going back home, she could go even further back in time to find the father she had never heard of. In this scenario, David Harbor could even play his father, Ivan, absent. That does not seem so improbable and that would also explain why Scarlett Johansson’s hair on the set of Black is similar to the cup she sports in the future of Avengers Endgame!




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