Deadpool 3: Integrated with the MCU, but still forbidden to the youngest?

This tender Deadpool would he ogle the side of the Avengers and young spectators?

The acquisition of 20th Century Fox Studios by Disney should be sealed in the coming weeks. And inevitably, the franchises will go from one arm to another and be integrated at best in the existing universes. This will normally be the case for the X-Men, Wolverine and necessarily, Deadpool. But that’s where the rub, fans are worried that the prude’s directors of Disney do cause the character of Ryan Reynolds a change of edge to integrate the sacred Saint: The MCU. No more too violent content, bloody replicas, injurious and sexual allusions. In short, all that makes Wade Wilson what he is. But rest assured, even if Captain America has a horror of dirty words, Deadpool will still be banned to the youngest and certified R, it is the CEO of Disney who says it.

Bob Iger reassures fans that the essence of Deadpool will not change and that the character will not be rebooted: “We think it is possible that Fox properties exist without significant influence from Disney on the nature of the content, which means that we are finding that there is definitely a popularity among Marvel fans for Re-certified movies, Deadpool. We will continue this way. There may be room for more than that … as long as we tag them carefully and make sure not to confuse the viewer with a film that would be a Disney film or a more traditional Marvel. ” Clearly, Deadpool will become an independent entity, away from Marvel, clearly under the aegis of Disney. If it is not impossible that it is integrated into the MCU, it does not feel very good on that side if they do not want to mix genres. But after all, Black Widow could also be banned to the youngest, so the possibility of a cross-over Deadpool / Avengers is not to be ruled out. We have a glaring example with Spider-Man, owned by Sony, but whose contract has been changed so that it can slip more naturally in the world in the MCU.






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